Samstag, 31. Januar 2009

I am going to Gaza

On Wednesday I got a chat from a friend asking me to join a team of different therapists, pedagogues and a few more people going with the "Friends of Waldorf" education to work with traumatized children and youth.
I an hour I gone go to the airport in Basel going from there via Paris to Cairo and than tomorrow to Rafah. We ve got invitations from different organizations in Gaza. The German foreign ministry said we can go. Now it is depending on Egyptian police at the boarder, depending on Hamas and Israel if they let us in and if they let us in if they let us work and move! Quite a few questions which are unclear but we gone find out as soon as we are there.
I gone stay for two weeks afterwards we gone see what happens next.

All the best for everyone here and there. emergency education that is the program I am going with.

Sonntag, 18. Januar 2009

where am I ii

Größere Kartenansicht

In Basel working at the IDEM office which is located in the Unternehmen Mitte a really interesting building. read their web page to see what they are doing.
That the desk I am working at. The people are somewhat different than on the pic.

What am I working?
  • Well at the moment I am busy with getting articles together for the annual report of IDEM.
  • The upcoming work camps need some advertisement, we still need details of the upcoming projects in summer and autumn.
  • The content of a new flyer need to be formulated and designed.
  • Probably the biggest topic is the whole financial situation. We need to find new sponsors and foundations for ongoing support. Its mainly about the running costs like rent, electricity, printer,phone, in short all the office stuff. In summer we need to find a some source of income for myself. Until know I am living on BAföG (student loan) but after I finish my studies coming summer, I wont get it anymore. Maybe I than take part in the "work searches income" project, but lets see what happens until than, still some time to go.

Basel has a grey sky today, somehow grim. Some rain is falling down - but I should go out like yesterday. After some time outside it felt so much better. Waking along the Rhein isn't to bad,maybe after I eat something.

we will not go down

a unilateral ceasefire - what does that mean? Is it a tactic by the Israeli government to make the world believe that they are a the peace loving presidents and ministers? One has all ready been killed and several injured since the declaration of the ceasefire - so what is the difference?
I hope Hamas stops shooting but keeps its conditions for a long term ceasefire. Otherwise its gone be just a repetition of former plans.

Hoping for better days!

Samstag, 17. Januar 2009

Rabbi Yisroel Weiss on Fox News

Imagine Fox News and than such a message.
Rabbi Weiss even went to Iran. Listen to him.

sign a petition against the ongoing violence with avaaz

Mittwoch, 14. Januar 2009

In Basel

Ich bin seit Montag in Basel bei einem Praktikum bei IDEM. Es ist schön hier zu sein, viele Leute kenne ich, ich kann direkt über dem Büro bei einem Freund wohnen.
Viel Arbeit steht an, Öffentlichkeitsarbeit muss geleistet werden, Fundraising betrieben werden und Trainings organisiert werden. Nach einem ersten guten update was in der letzten Zeit geschehen ist und was in der nächsten Zeit ansteht hab ich gleich richtig angefangen heute. Hauptsächlich Emailarbeit bis jetzt, aber dass wird sich wohl in den nächsten Tagen auch nochmal ändern, wenn es mehr um konkrete inhaltliche Arbeit geht. Dann auch gerne mehr dazu.

Am 9.1.09 hatten wir ja noch unsere Mahnwache in Fulda für die Opfer der kriegerischen Auseinandersetzungen zwischen Hamas und Israel. Wenn ihr auf das Bild klickt kommt ihr zu einem kurzen Bericht und Video von mir.

Ein meiner Meinung nach wichtiges Video. Man hört über die Bewegung der refusniks in Deutschland wenig bis nichts. Ich finde es wichtig sich auch diese Seite anzuschauen.

Freitag, 9. Januar 2009

interesting article

I just got that article: Avi Schlaim

I do recommend it to everyone!

Donnerstag, 8. Januar 2009

solemn vigil (Mahnwache)

After I read on the bombing of the UN school in Gaza yesterday, I decided that I need to do something - at home and try to bring some tiny little more awareness to the city I live in. We gone have a solemn vigil or Mahnwache (in German) Friday 9.1.09 at 5pm at the Universitätsplatz in Fulda.
What I want to do? To give a voice to the voiceless at home - try to get some more support for international human rights and some more actions against international law violations - support for civilians which are the victims of that fighting. I also want to remember the resistance fighters and the soldiers suffering under their governments decisions. That might be an uncommon view, but still they are humans. Don't tell me anything, that they could decide against the participation, yes they could, but they didn't. I know that there are many more arguments I should consider - but fuck one dead person is one to much.

I hope some people gone be in Fulda on Friday, lighting some candles and asking the by passers some good questions.

Montag, 5. Januar 2009

where am I

In general at home :-) Where is home? With my parents in Loheland
Größere Kartenansicht

I had a nice and easy trip back from Ramallah via Jerusalem to Ben Gurion airport close to Tel Aviv. There I had some time to wait until my plane left, but with coffee, juice, chocolate and my laptop time went easily by - I shouldn't forget all the people I chatted with, was really nice.

Can you imagine that visited friends for 4 month? That's what I tolled the security personal at the airport, they believed my but were very curious about the species and dates I brought with me :-)

Arriving tired and exhausted in Frankfurt, a surprise waited me. My brother, his girlfriend and two good friends waited for me, yipih I was happy - but tired. We had some coffee and on the way back I got some nice and tasty Christmas cookies, yamie. But it was so cold in Frankfurt, I immediately froze. Hamdullilah now I m used again to that kind of weather, we even got snow at home, its so nice, a white world. I should get some pics for you, maybe tomorrow.

But what saddens me - you probably know what - Gaza and all it s links. By far to many people died, I dont know what to say - I cant say anything else except stop this bloodthirsty war - Israel stop occupation know and you will secure your people! I hope it ends soon, but I fear that is only a optimistic dream.

How can I wish every one a beautiful new year knowing what is happening in Gaza? Nevertheless I do! what you could do, is signing a petition